Monday, December 28, 2009


I love going to Walmart...Oh wait, no I don't. Unless it's empty and people aren't staring at me with two kids in my cart usually spazing out.

Yesterday was quite funny though. I went there to try to find the girls some boots and actually found some! So I grabbed two and a couple of other items and hit the checkout line. As the cashier was checking things, she didn't peek up to say hello or anything. The only thing that came out of her mouth was "you know you have two pairs of you really want two pairs of the same shoe?"

Now it wouldn't have been so funny, except for the fact that Alex and Keegan were yapping back and forth at each other and grunting to get their cookies back.

Got to love the Walmart...

What a day...

I was going to write a little post about my funny trip to Walmart..which I guess I will probably still do...but, my day really got thrown off today....

I decided it was time to hit the gym. I haven't been in probably 2 weeks. I was pretty excited (I didn't even come up with an excuse not to go). I was excited to have a really good bodystep instructor. But, then something happened. I totally bit it. Not just a little bite..A huge one.
My ankle was busted. Thankfully, I live in a great little town and about 5 people helped me out. I mean, so nice.

I think it's just a sprained ankle, but I can't put any weight on it. I have been sitting on the couch all day, bored out of my mind. Sort of reminds me of being on bedrest. Thank goodness Rob is off this week. There would have been no way I would have been able to get the girls in the car, out of the car or to bed.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Christmas Time...

Man, I feel like I haven't posted in forever. It's been such a busy time and honestly, I have been too tired to blog...Lame excuse, but jeesh...these girls have been pills the past couple of days. Not sure what is going on, I am hoping it's some teething and having their schedule thrown off with all the holiday festivities.

We spent Christmas with my family and it was a ton of fun. The girls love playing with their cousins and creating chaos at Nana and Papa. The girls were completely spoiled by Nana and Papa, but weren't totally into the presents. In fact, they kept trying to run out of the room!

We are trying to get back on schedule, but the girls have not been interested in any sort of sleeping...especially during the day. I am thinking it is time to try and go to one nap a day, but I am a little nervous about that. We are struggling with going down in the morning lately, so I am thinking that is a sign....

We shall see...Here are some cute pictures from the past couple of days!
Kisses between sisters!
Keegan and Mommy with her new doll...that cries unless their is a binky or bottle in her mouth..this should be a really fun toy for mommy =)

The chaos and my cutie nephew John

Alex and her big girl booster seat..isn't it cute? I can't find another online anywhere...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Awesome Giveaway!

OMG...I just stumbled upon this amazing giveaway of a HP Touchsmart 600 computer. This computer looks beautiful and does some of the most awesome things...umm, the recipe read back is AWESOME!

Check it out!

Monday, December 7, 2009

TTTS Awareness

Today is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Awareness Day. As most of you know, Alex and Keegan are TTTS Survivors. My hope is that every expectant mother of twins is aware of this condition and learns what warning signs to look for to catch any issues on time. Ultrasounds are so important, so please...if you feel like you are at risk, insist on ultrasounds as often as possible.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ultrasound memories...

Is it weird that I just made a photo album of ultrasound pictures from my pregnancy with the girls. I know, it took me over 18 months to do something with these pictures. But, that isn't the weird thing. I had over 150 pictures to pick from. 150! I mean, that can't be normal, right?

And how are you supposed to pick which ones to use..they all are so special to me.

So, I decided to use almost all of them. One week got cut out, because I placed them in the wrong chronological order. But, most others were used. Looking at the photos brought back so many memories and emotions. The first pictures, the faces of the 3d images (and how much they look like those pictures!) and the last set that were taken.

I just feel so lucky to have such great documentation of the girls before they were even born...

And now they can't say I never made them a baby book...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter is here...

Winter is here..sadly...but I was able to pick up a couple of cute hats for the girls and thought I would share some of the pictures I was able to get!
Keegan was all smiles with her new hat

Why are someone's fingers always up their nose?
Alex always walks toward the camera when I am trying to take a pic. But this turned out really cute!

My little Keegan is just so cute! She has been digging these hats!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Thanksgiving was a ton of fun. We travelled up to my father-in-law's home and the girls did awesome. They slept through the night 4 out of 5 nights! This is a major breakthrough for us. Typically, the girls would not sleep anywhere besides their cribs. We did learn several things during this past trip, which I thought I should share
1) Portable DVD players with dual monitors are AMAZING. I always thought that I would
never let my kids watch tv...but the last time I went up to wisconsin, I vowed to never
return. That was how bad it was this past summer. This time, we borrowed a dvd player and
it totally kept them occupied after their car naps!
2) Alex now pretends to be hurt after seeing her sister fall and get hurt. She literally saw
Keegan fall down one stair and then get swooped up by me. She then slowly crawled down the
stairs and then laid flat out and waited for someone to comfort her. The bottom lip even
started to come out!
3) Their vocabulary is really taking off. Words are starting to form and the words they can't
say, they understand what they mean.
4) I already knew this one, girls are amazing. They have just grown up so much in the past year and I am so proud of them.

I can't wait to see what they will do next, but I also don't want them to grow up anymore. I want to freeze time...

Favorite Shoe Friday

I L-O-V-E my Uggs. I have gotten several pairs over the past 5 or so years. They are a little pricey, but I think they are worth every penny for a couple of reasons. A) They are incredibly warm. I hate (really hate) the cold and these shoes keep me warm. B) They can be worn without socks. I don't like the way socks feel. Strange, I know, but I only like to wear socks that don't go over my ankles. That really doesn't work in the middle of winter in the freezing cold. This is the only way I can get away with no socks or ankle socks!

My favorite color as of right now are the browns!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Favorite (totally late again)

Well, I am back from the land of no internet. It was very difficult for me and I was really missing my facebook.

I have so many stories from our Thanksgiving up in Wisconsin, but am working to get our little yayas back on some sort of schedule.

I do have a new favorite thing, but am having a hard time finding the image.

It is my new Sherpa GapBody Cowlneck pullover. It is seriously amazing. Soft, not itchy like most warm things are for me! Really warm and fluffy. It's awesome. I bought it online a couple of weeks ago and it is already gone. So, if you see it at the Gap. I highly recommend purchasing it!

If I find a pic, I will post it soon!