Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A new beginning...

So, I am currently on day two of my new career. Rob and I decided that it would be best if I stayed home with the girls. They just weren't eating well at daycare and have been getting sick. We just don't want to have any setbacks and it was almost more stressful on Rob and me when I was working. I felt like I was never seeing the girls. So, Friday was my last day at work. It was sad, because I really like all the people....but I am so happy and I know this is the right thing!

It's been a little rough. The girls both have horrible colds, so it's been a rough day and a half. Keegan wants to be held all day, which I would love to do, but having two makes it difficult. By the evening last night, my arms were killing me. Carrying two growing babies is giving me a good workout! The girls are just too cute. They are smiling, rolling over and I think just starting the crawling stage...I think...They are both getting up on their knees and rocking their cute little tushies!

Wish me luck on the new career move, I know it's going to be the toughest job of my career!

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