Sunday, September 20, 2009

15 month check up

My girls are too funny...and too cute. We have had a very busy week. We had to go to the doctor's for their 15 month check up. They are doing so great. The doctor seemed happy with their progress, but not so happy with me =) He wants them off the bottle and told me I am not allowed to give the girls milk if they wake up only a couple hours after bedtime.

We decided to go cold turkey on the bottles. We were only using them at naptimes and bedtime, so it hasn't been too difficult. I couldn't be more happy about it. We were using Dr. Brown's bottles and there are just so many parts.

One the nighttime feeding front...I am still not totally on board with the doctor. With the girls still be so small, I feel like it's good for them to get some extra nutrition. He told us that they need to go 8 hours without a feeding and that we could go in a feed them at 3-4. My thought is, what difference does it make then...if we go in at 10 and then they sleep to 7?

I am still trying to figure out how to watermark photos and will then be putting some up!

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